I am a visual artist making interactive artworks that function similarly to play, games and fortune telling. Each work is an object accompanied by a set of rules, that gives the viewers the option to become participants. Those who use the works experience them, both through their senses and through their own actions and social relations. The visual and the conceptual content in my works are completely dependent on each other, and I draw inspiration from folklore, traditional magic, activism, and experimental pedagogy. 


Education, 2012-2018
2015, BFA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, København, DK
2018, MFA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, København, DK
2018, MA, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, København, DK

Public Artworks
2024, Den Magiske Tunnel, Slagelse, DK
2023, Star of the Woods, København, DK
2022, Kildegårdens Kalender, Odense, DK

Solo Exhibitions
2023, Star of the Woods, Tørreloft, København, DK
2022, Masquerade, Galleri Maria Friis, København, DK
2021, One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Augustiana, Augustenborg, DK
2020, Kom Lys, kom Skygge, Til Vægs, København, DK
2019, Monday’s Child, Arcway Nightlands Connector, København, DK
2018, Ten Spells for Humanity , Destiny's Atelier, Oslo, NO
2017, The Conspiracy of Flowers, 4-1-1.cc, København, DK

Group and Duo Exhibitions
2024, Fortune Teller, V1, København, DK
2024, On Board, Skal Contemporary, Skagen, DK 
2024, The Fool's Journey, Eighteen, København, DK
2024, Carnival of Cups, Celcius Projects, Malmö, SE
2024, Biotopia, Fraktal Ventesal, Skørping, DK
2023, Weathering, (duo show w/ Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen), SKAL Contemporary, Skagen, DK
2023, Kunstnerkeramikken NU, Vejen Kunstmuseum, Vejen, DK
2023, Know—Will—Dare—Keep Silent, Performing Arts Forum, St Erme, FR
2022, Ghostology, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, LT
2022, Kat, Galleri Specta, København, DK
2021, Double Interval, Brook Books, Huangshan, CN
2021, 3x3 Øjne, Peach Corner, København, DK
2021, Havebiennalen 2021, Havebiennalen, København, DK
2021, A Garden Exhibition, Haveselskabets Have, København, DK
2021, From the Inside Out, Augustenborg Project, Augustenborg, DK
2021, Play It by Trust, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde, DK
2021, Draget mod vrangsiden, OK Corral, København, DK
2020, Preparation, Brigade, København, DK
2020, 14,8x21, Galleri Tom Christoffersen, København, DK
2020, Five Forms of Play: Magick, Celcius Projects, Malmö, SE
2020, Alt Cph 20: Mønstre i Modstand, Laboratoriet for Æstetik og Økologi, København, DK
2020, Fantasy, Collaborations, København, DK
2020, NADA FAIR, Kunstmesse, Miami/Online, US
2019, New Moon, Hotel Art Pavilion, New York, US
2019, Close Call, Kunstscenen, København, DK
2019, Dalby Skulpturpark, Delfi, Malmö/Dalby, SE
2019, Denne Universets Mave, Kunsthal Ved Siden Af, Svendborg, DK
2019, FUGL 2019, Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde, DK
2019, The Leaving Do, Studio Whisperer, København, DK
2019, Hotellet på Norra Vallgatan, PLX, Malmö, SE
2019, Uttran II, Uttran, Stockholm, SE (collaboration w/ Nyxxx)
2018, Drawings, Galleri Alice Folker, København, DK
2018, Kräftskivan , Coyote Sthlm, Stockholm, SE
2018, Ywenhøj, Ywenhøj, Ry, DK
2018, Afgang, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, DK
2017, Feast of the Red Herring, Moderna Muséet Malmö, Malmö, SE
2017, Last Minute Business, Adult, København, DK
2016, Young Swedish Art in Denmark, Den Svenske Ambassade, København, DK
2015, BFA Paris, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, København, DK

2018, Visit Qo'noS, Turteatern
2018, Twelve Talking Dolls, w/Nyxxx
2017, Nattens Gudinna, Uppsala Stadsteater, w/ Nyxxx
2016, Taktiska Meditationer, Turteatern, w/ Nyxxx
2016, Dinosauria, Turteatern
2013, Drömdykarna, Unga Dramaten, w/ Nyxxx
2012, Gåsen, Turteatern
2011, Avatarvaro, Turteatern, w/ Nyxxx

2023, Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2022, Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2021, Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2021, Special Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2020, Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2019, Working Grant, Danish Arts Foundation
2018, Frk. Gerda Jensen Kunstnerlegat